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Tremethick - Tremethick Dark Ale

Brewed by Tremethick

Tasting Notes Tremethick - Tremethick Dark Ale
Smooth and complex dark brown ale with light roast malt and dark stone fruit aroma like sherry with hints of toffee. Dominant nutty malt with fruit flavours including raisins, prunes and berries. Herbal resinous and earthy hop notes. Quite sweet with hints of coffee-roast, liquorice, and caramel. Faint bitterness but only a trace of hops. Malt lingers in the finish as the other complex flavours fade.
Dark Light Brown Smooth Coffee Liquorice Earthy Caramel Sweet Toffee Hoppy Bitter
Produced: Regularly Brewed
Vegan No
Gluten Free No
Style: Strong Mild ABV: 4.6 Colour:

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