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Heritage Pub

Cornewall Arms, Clodock

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Clodock, HR2 0PD (Directions)
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A tiny, unspoilt pub of great character, resplendent with a serving hatch that (sadly) only serves draught real ale on rare occasions, but does offer local bottled cider - Gwatkins Yarlington Mill and Golden Valley. Of great interest to pub historians. Games include darts, table skittles and quoits.

Information for this venue is provided by the Herefordshire Branch of CAMRA
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County of Herefordshire
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Asset of Community Value

Two star - A pub interior of very special national historic interest

Listed status: II

A rare example of an unspoilt village pub with no music, no TV, no fruit machine and no food - but good conversation. A pub since 1870, it once had a butcher's shop and slaughterhouse attached. On the left of a flagstone passage, there is a servery at a much lower level. It has old bar fittings and service through a hatch, with a window now open permanently and a Formica shelf. The bar comprised two rooms until 1960 when a wall was replaced with a wooden partition (always folded back nowadays). At the front is a flagstone floor, superb curved high-back settle, 1920s bentwood 'holey' seat and an old fireplace (with 1980s infill). The rear section features half-ply panelled walls and a modern fireplace with old mirror surround above. A venerable skittle table is always ready for play.

General information about historic pub interiors

A rare example of an unspoilt village pub with no music, no TV, no pool table, no fruit machine and no food – but good conversation! A pub since 1870 which did have a butchers shop and slaughter house attached. Flagstone passage leads to the tiny servery on the right which is actually on a much lower shallow 'cellar' level and has old bar fittings and service through a hatch with a window now permanently open and a Formica shelf. The layout was two separate rooms until 1960 when a wall was removed and replaced by a wooden folding partition which is permanently folded back. At the front there is a flagstone floor, superb curved high backed settle, a 1920's bentwood 'holey' seat and an old fireplace with infill from the early 1980's.

In the rear section the room has half ply panelled walls and a 1980's fireplace with an old mirror surround above. There are an assortment of chairs around the rear of the room and in the middle is an old table skittle which is always ready to play. The local pub games of quoits is also played here. Outside gents' toilets. The villagers support a number of events / evenings the largest of which is a whole day charity event in the summer that in 2013 raised £7,000 and when real ale is on sale. Opens from 5 / 5.30 Mon to Fri.

General information about historic pub interiors
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Cornewall Arms, Clodock

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