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Knoydart Brewery, Inverie

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Matt and Sam currently have four beers on offer, selling on the doorstep, the village shop and some locations in Mallaig.

Hoping to get ther beers into one (or more??) pubs in Fort Willaim

(Copied from the website to fill entry)

We live in St Agatha's Manse which is attached to St Agatha's Chapel in the village of Inverie. This was formerly a Roman Catholic Chapel for the community. It was deconsecrated in 1990 and for years was a useful storage space/workshop for the occupants of the Manse. Our backstory is in the world of hospitals and computers. Sam is a former ITU nurse and dialysis specialist and Matt started life in biomedical science and then spent 25 years working in IT as a programmer and manager in London and New York. Seventeen years ago when we first moved to Knoydart we half-heartedly thought it would be great to set up a brewery in the forward to 2017.

We built Knoydart Brewery, probably the most remote brewery on mainland Britain, so that we could turn a hobby into a full time job and provide the local communities and visitors to Knoydart with local brew. We craft our beers in part of our home, an old chapel, on a 60 litre pilot HERMS electric brewery and a 5bbl kit with 4 fermenters. The water for our beer comes from the River Millburn which stems from the mountains in Glen Guiserein behind the village. It is clear clean mountain water. The grains come from Bairds maltings in Inverness and hops from Britain and USA, as well as Germany, Czech Republic and New Zealand.

Update Sumer 2023: There are long-term plans to open a bar in the brewery sometime in the next couple of years, after the necessary work to obtain an on-premises licence has been completed.

Information for this venue is provided by the Highlands & Western Isles Branch of CAMRA
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Knoydart Brewery, Inverie

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Ferry from Mallaig, then 500 m, or walk in!
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(Pub, External, Key). Published on 04-05-2022
Old Forge
Real Ale Available
0.3 miles - Inverie, PH41 4PL
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